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Home and School Association (HSA)

A Long and Active History...

The Home and School Association (HSA) has a long and active history at our school. While its name, membership, and mission has evolved over time, the HSA’s impact remains the same. Each year, the HSA organizes hundreds of parent volunteers who offer their time, talent, and resources to support our school. 

What Does the HSA Do?

As detailed in its by-laws, the HSA provides “a structure where parents partner with the administration and faculty to support the spiritual and academic excellence” of our students. Specifically, the HSA works to support the school through the following core activities: Community Development, Fundraising, Community Ministry Outreach, and Parent Education.

The HSA will convene monthly board meetings. Please confirm dates and times on the HSA calendar. All parents are welcome to attend and are encouraged to participate.

Email hsa@smsva.org any questions about the HSA.



HSA Calendar