PickUp Patrol (PUP) is a web-based program parents use to:

  • Create a child's default dismissal plan.

  • Make a change to a child’s daily dismissal plan.

  • Designate another adult to pick up your child. 

  • Notify the school of a child's absence and the reason for absence. 

  • Notify the school of a child's early dismissal and the reason for early dismissal.

  • Notify the school of a child’s late arrival and the reason for late arrival.

Action Required: 

  1. New families should look for an email from PickUp Patrol the week before school begins, with a link for immediate sign-on. Once logged in, create your child(ren)'s default dismissal plan(s) for the year. Please watch this video PUP How it Works video or uses this tool PUP from Parents POV

  2. Returning families, please log in to update your default dismissal plan for each child by Tuesday, August 20th

  3. The link to PickUp Patrol is https://app.pickuppatrol.net/parents.

How it Works 

  • PUP is accessible to parents from your smartphone or computer through the school website or mobile app (under the More tab) or at https://app.pickuppatrol.net/parents 

  • To report an absence or make a dismissal change:

    • Log in. Then, select a date, your child, and a plan change option, and submit. 
      You will always receive a confirmation email once your change is made.

  • Changes and absences can be entered months in advance. 

  • Absences should be submitted by 7:45 am.

  • Submit all same-day dismissal changes by 

    • 11:00 am on 11:30 am dismissal days 

    • 1:45 pm on 2:15 pm dismissal days

    • 2:45 pm on 3:15 pm dismissal days  

    • If there is an emergency and you must make changes later than the times listed above, please call the main office at 703-549-1646.

  • Teachers will automatically be notified of dismissal changes for the day and will communicate them to your child(ren.)

Questions? Please contact Ms. Sonya Besteiro at sbesteiro@smsva.org.