National Junior Honor Society
Seventh graders who have maintained an average of 90% or above for their entire sixth grade year and the first three quarters of seventh grade are eligible for membership in the Father Stanley J. Krempa Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society. After the third quarter of seventh grade, students will receive a letter and detailed instructions for completing the application. The application provides information regarding each student’s service, leadership, character, citizenship, and scholarship. Failure to follow the instructions or return the completed application before the deadline indicates that the student is not interested in membership.
Once all applications are received, an undisclosed five-member Faculty Council will review them and make a final decision regarding admittance into NJHS. Though high academics grant the student the opportunity to apply to the National Junior Honor Society, it does not guarantee admittance. The Faculty Council considers all the aforementioned categories and places a high premium on character, defined in the NJHS handbook as “an outstanding record of conduct and behavior with regard to school and community rules.”
One way the Faculty Council reviews the record of good character is through the history of disciplinary notices which the student has received. The school will inform the candidates as to whether or not they have been accepted, and those who have been accepted will take part in an induction ceremony. The student’s membership is not transferable to any high school and is subject to good behavior and participation. It is the aim of the Father Stanley J. Krempa Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society not to be an elitist organization, but rather one of service to our school and the greater community.
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